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Health care accreditation is public recognition by a health care accreditation body of the achievement of accreditation standards by a health care organisation such as Silverchain group.

Being accredited demonstrates through an independent external peer assessment, that the organisation has achieved a high level of performance in relation to the quality delivery of care and accomplishment of the standards.

Our national Best Care Strategic Quality and Safety Framework (Best Care Framework) provides guidance for all involved with Silverchain to achieve the Best Care experience for our clients and consumers.

Nationally recognised accreditations

We are committed to upholding and delivering the highest standard of service. Accreditation is one way we assure the community that we meet the high standard set for service providers and the level of care and service consumers can expect from our service. We strive for quality in all that we do, from our research and internal processes to delivery of client-centred care. The actions we take every day as an organisation through our goals, roles and governance of ensuring safe, personal, connected and effective care, supports our aim of Best Care for every client, every time. By building our client-centred, high-quality care and services on a solid foundation of governance and systems, ensures we are consistently meeting the highest standards possible. Silverchain Group is accredited by a range of appropriate authorities.

Aged Care Quality Standards

We hold an accreditation with the Aged Care Quality Standards (formerly known as Home Care Common Standards). The new standards are designed to empower senior Australians and ensure they are provided with the care that is right for them. The standards are built on the fact that most people know what good care feels like. Each standard is about an aspect of care that contributes to safety, health and wellbeing. Our Home Care Package and Commonwealth Home Support Program services are both accredited under the Aged Care Quality Standards.

The 8 Aged Care Quality Standards are:

Standard 1. Consumer dignity and choice

I am treated with dignity and respect and can maintain my identity. I can make informed choices about my care and services and live the life I choose.

Standard 2. Ongoing assessment and planning with consumers

I am a partner in ongoing assessment and planning that helps me get the care and services I need for my health and wellbeing.

Standard 3. Personal and clinical care

I get personal care, clinical care, or both, that is safe and right for me.

Standard 4. Services and support for daily living

I get the services and supports for daily living that are important for my health and wellbeing and that enable me to do the things I want to do.

Standard 5. Our service environment

I feel I belong and am safe and comfortable in the service environment.

Standard 6. Feedback and complaints

I feel safe and am encouraged and supported to give feedback and make complaints. I am engaged in processes to address my feedback and complaints and appropriate action is taken.

Standard 7. Human resources

I get quality care and services when I need them from people who are knowledgeable, capable and caring.

Standard 8. Organisational governance

I am confident the organisation is well run. I can partner in improving the delivery of care and services.

Charter of Aged Care Rights

All people receiving Australian Government funded residential care, home care or other aged care services in the community have rights. The Charter of Aged Care Rights describes your rights as a consumer of Australian Government funded aged care services.

The Australian Council on Healthcare Standards

We are also a member of the Australian Council on Healthcare Standards (ACHS). ACHS is responsible for assessing healthcare organisations for accreditation. The National Safety and Quality Health Service Standards (NSQHS Standards) provide a nationally consistent statement about the level of care you should expect to receive from a health service organsiation in areas that affect the safety and quality of care. Our next organisational quality accreditation survey against the NSQHS Standards will occur in early 2021 where we will be measured against each of the criteria listed in the second edition of the NSQHS Standards 1-8.

Reconciliation Action Plan

Silverchain has developed a Reconciliation Action Plan to formalise our strategy and commitment to reconciliation. We are committed to working in partnership with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples to enhance understanding among our staff, and to create mutually beneficial opportunities with the communities in which we live and operate.

Have your say

If you have any concerns, complaints, suggestions or you'd just like to say thanks, we'd love to hear it.

Consumer Engagement at Silverchain

Are you interested in being a voice for all consumers? We work closely with consumers, representatives and other interested people who are our consumer representatives. 

Our consumer representatives complete surveys, attend focus groups or become members of our National Consumer Advisory Body (NCAB). The NCAB contributes to the planning, implementation, and evaluation of our services to make sure we are listening and responding to the needs of the people we care for. Members also provide feedback on our brochures, information sheets, and other web and print based materials to make sure they are easy to understand and communicate what our clients need to know. 

If you are interested in participating, contact the Consumer Engagement team using the email link below or call 1300 650 803.