Together, we can shape the future of health and aged care, for generations to come.

Silverchain is the leading provider of complete in-home care services in Australia, supporting 115,000 people of all ages each year.  

With your support, Silverchain Foundation can empower our clinical and care teams, and our innovators, to create real change for all Australians. World class care, backed by our research and with your needs and preferences at the heart of everything we do. 

We invite you to join us in creating the next generation of care, together.  

Make a difference that is meaningful to you

Honour the memory of a loved one

Honouring a loved one with your donation can be a special way to keep their memory alive and create a lasting impact for others in memory of their personal impact on you.

Remembering Silverchain in your Will

Leaving a gift in your Will to Silverchain can help us continue to shape the future of health and aged care for generations to come. Email us for more information.

Support what is meaningful to you

Supporting a specific area will ensure your gift creates impact where it is most meaningful to you. Email us for more information.

The difference we make together

With your support, we can shape the future of care in Australia with a focus on care innovation, research, education, and whole-person care. We invite you to join us in creating the next generation of care, together.


When you invest in our research and innovation, you are improving people’s care experiences today and into the future.


Your support can fund advancements in technology and innovation, providing new and better ways to treat conditions and illnesses, directly improve the care and services our clients receive. 


By investing in scholarships, education, and training, you can empower our health care professionals to provide exceptional services to people in the familiarity and comfort of their own home.

Best care

We don’t see just a patient, we see the whole person. With your support, our care teams can give clients greater dignity by meeting their social and economic needs beyond their physical health.

With your support, a trial service offering people with dementia specialist care was converted into an ongoing service. The service gives greater dignity and independence to people living with dementia to live well for longer in their own homes.

With your support, a trial service offering people with dementia specialist care was converted into an ongoing service. The service gives greater dignity and independence to people living with dementia to live well for longer in their own homes.

Your support means full-time carers like Denise can take a much-needed break while their loved one is compassionately looked after at our respite cottages. Thank you for helping us give back to those who give so much as a personal carer.

"I don’t know if Mum knew she was at the end of her life, but she kept saying, ‘I love being here. I just love being at home,’ and that gave me a lot of comfort. I don’t know how I would have gotten through it without Silverchain.”

Just like John, one of our clients who took part in our recent smart glasses trial, we believe that technology is a powerful tool that can revolutionise our care delivery. Investing in new health technologies will help us deliver high-quality, effective health care in the home to more people like John.